As the title rather gives it away....never mind - I shall start from the beginning....... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ it started on Friday 16th with me packing what I considered to b the essentials that weren’t clothes or computers, we were travelling down on the 17th as I had to be there for an induction type thing, anyway, as it turned out what I though to be the essentials was in fact a large pile, and later a whole car full!

The pile of stuff in the living room on friday night

The pile now as an entire car full... we (dad and I) were supposed to be leaving for Swansea at about 9 on sat, but as we are both alike, I was woken by dad at 8.30 and we eventually left at about 10, arriving at Swansea at about 1.30. the journey was mainly uneventful except for when we stopped for (what turned out to be an over priced and crap) lunch at Cardiff service where we (dad) got rather lost and it took us 3 goes just trying to find the car park! :P when we eventually arrived it turned out that the induction was basically signing contracts and handing over money etc :P I was then shown the room. Put it this way; compared to the other rooms in the building i'm in a cupboard.... it’s approximately 2x3.5 metres and consists of a built in cupboard, bed, desk, draws, shelves and a fridge. I also have a window; the window is only a little smaller than the room!
Here come the pictures....

We started unloading the car, at which point the total emotion of the day, along with the utter shock of exactly how small the room was took over and I started crying, but dad comforted me, so we finished moving stuff, slightly hindered by having to lock and unlock the car and my room each time we moved stuff, we then went off to the train station to meet mum who had been at (an apparently very boring) conference in Bristol and so had gotten the direct train, we then wondered through the main shopping streets and had a quick look at the still unfinished new art block that I was supposed to be starting in one weeks time (dad wasn’t surprised :P). We then went back to the room so mum could see it - she also was quite taken aback by the size. We went back into the town and bought a few boxes so I could store stuff under my bed. I semi unpacked and then we went searching for mum and dads accommodation - they were staying at a B&B on the Gower peninsular, and dinner. you'd have thought finding food would be easy.... we took about 3 hours wondering around the ENITIRE Swansea / Gower area, before finally deciding on a Italian restaurant about 100 metres away from my room, by the time we were ordering dessert it was about 10.30, Andrew called to see what was happening as I should have called him at about 10, and to say that he was tired and so would be sleeping soon, I promised to call soon, but just as we were finishing I got a text from Andrew saying he was sleeping now, I tried to call him but he had already turned off his phone which upset me quite allot because with all the drama and crap after the day I really wanted to just talk to him, I had a go a mum about this as it was her fault we hadn’t eaten earlier because she was being picky about where we ate. I went back to my room, where I met the others who had also moved in that day and we stayed up together talking and drinking a little, one of the boys, Anthony had a cold which I now have (grrr), I eventually went to sleep at about 1am.
I was woken a t 8 by the fire alarm, here there is an alarm and a detector in every room - so the noise was quite painful. As soon as it was asserted that the alarm was false due to another of the boys, peter, cooking bacon and it smoking very slightly - the sensors are extremely sensitive. I then called Andrew and we talked for about an hour - I told him all about the day and the room, he was quite surprised that I had such a small room - even smaller than his!after that I decided to walk down to the Tescos as it opens at about 10 on Sundays, while I was there I called parents and had them meet me there to pay for my new supplies. we then all went into Swansea town centre and found that, unlike oxford nearly everything actually closes on Sundays - we did manage to find a shoe zone where we all spent a while trying on various shoes - I got 3 new pairs of shoes (new trainers, boots and some slip on trainer type things) all for £28 - which I was quite impressed about! We also found a discount shop where I bought a large box to put things under the bed in and we headed back to my room where we packed the food (all non perishables) into the box and found space for it under the bed. I then reported the fact my bed was broken a bit and that we would bring me a new chair on the next week, and I then had breakfast.We finished attempting to pack things away and then went to lunch (it was almost 3 at this time). Mum liked the look of a Mexican place so we went there, while we were having pudding (yes, pudding with lunch - we were hungry) I applied for a job there - but they haven’t gotten back to me yet (will chase it up on Friday). We then went home.
The next Friday (23rd) after trying to delay Andrews departure (sadly failed) I repeated the steps of packing all my stuff and realising I had nearly the same amount as I did the first trip, we packed my mirror, the bedside cabinet (that is now an in-wardrobe cabinet) and mums office chair. On Saturday morning I got up early (8 - its early for me, ok?) and finished the last of my packing, I then went for an all out clean of my room, I now had a semi empty room WITH A FLOOR!!!!!! (Wow) - was kinda funny - I then had a quick breakfast and we loaded the car, this time it was all of us going so I went in the back, with half the seats down - I had just enough space! :) Mum and Dad bickered all the way so I ignored them and slept for most of it. The journey was ok; but as we came off the M4 we hit a huge traffic jam that delayed us for about half an hour, during which the ntl guy called and asked where I was as they were installing all the modems. We arrived and I found the guy, we then unpacked the car, and as parents were getting under my feet I sent them away while I unpacked and the ntl guy installed my modem and phone line. after I had unpacked most of my stuff dad came in and put up my mirror, then we went shopping for all the perishable foods we hadn’t got the week before, mum unpacked the shopping and I finished unpacking the rest of my gear, I hadn’t perfected my room, but it looked good, and as soon as I put posters up it felt allot better and I relaxed a little. It was about 4 then (I can’t remember what we did for lunch) so we said our last goodbyes which was quite emotional, dad cried which is the first time I think I've ever really seen him cry. I went back to my room and carried on unpacking/ packing things away, then met some of the people I had met the last weekend. we went to the student bar in taxis (its in Townhill campus; on the other side of Swansea) and hung out then, I got to know a few people, including Abby, a girl whose room is directly below mine, and yet twice as big, and Rhodri who both live on the bottom floor, we chatted for quite a while and eventually (somehow) got back to Mount Pleasant campus, and from there went back home. I found out the guy directly above me is called Jay (I think) and is a bit of a tosser, he played loud music all night, and as his speakers are on his floor the music might as well be in my room! luckily he hasn’t played the music like that since, so its ok :) On Sunday I slept in, and when I got up I decided I wanted to do a sign for my room, so I did :
I then started to finish the final stages of tidying my room and finding places for everything; I discovered that the new bed they put in was slightly lower than the old and so I had to rearrange things so I would be able to get them out. when I was finally happy with how my room was I emerged from my room, at about 1 pm, I want hungry so I didn’t bother having breakfast till about 2. I went to Tescos to buy some ready meals as I was unsure I could be bothered to cook properly. people were going out again to drink but feeling ill from the cold I stayed in and cooked my food, I found people in the downstairs kitchen and we gently migrated up to my (the middle) kitchen where we sat and chatted, I met a few more people so it was good. Now, Pictures:
Gloucester Chambers from the outside, it is a very pretty building

my room, still just as small, but alot nicer now!

my window, with my pirate flag :D Yarrrr!
My *wonderful* view from my window, and yes, it's raining :(

My kitchen (im opposite it), being populated by Gareth (front), Patricia (cleaning) and Anthony (back, the evil cold giver - except that he's lovely :) )

My clever little storage solutions - I'm kinda proud of them ^^



Jonny - room 18, just down the hall - hes funny ^^

Steve, (with Jonny behind him) my next door neighbour - he has sky - my saviour! :P
well, i think thats about it for one Uber update. Will update about the last few days after dinner ^^

The pile of stuff in the living room on friday night

The pile now as an entire car full... we (dad and I) were supposed to be leaving for Swansea at about 9 on sat, but as we are both alike, I was woken by dad at 8.30 and we eventually left at about 10, arriving at Swansea at about 1.30. the journey was mainly uneventful except for when we stopped for (what turned out to be an over priced and crap) lunch at Cardiff service where we (dad) got rather lost and it took us 3 goes just trying to find the car park! :P when we eventually arrived it turned out that the induction was basically signing contracts and handing over money etc :P I was then shown the room. Put it this way; compared to the other rooms in the building i'm in a cupboard.... it’s approximately 2x3.5 metres and consists of a built in cupboard, bed, desk, draws, shelves and a fridge. I also have a window; the window is only a little smaller than the room!
Here come the pictures....
We started unloading the car, at which point the total emotion of the day, along with the utter shock of exactly how small the room was took over and I started crying, but dad comforted me, so we finished moving stuff, slightly hindered by having to lock and unlock the car and my room each time we moved stuff, we then went off to the train station to meet mum who had been at (an apparently very boring) conference in Bristol and so had gotten the direct train, we then wondered through the main shopping streets and had a quick look at the still unfinished new art block that I was supposed to be starting in one weeks time (dad wasn’t surprised :P). We then went back to the room so mum could see it - she also was quite taken aback by the size. We went back into the town and bought a few boxes so I could store stuff under my bed. I semi unpacked and then we went searching for mum and dads accommodation - they were staying at a B&B on the Gower peninsular, and dinner. you'd have thought finding food would be easy.... we took about 3 hours wondering around the ENITIRE Swansea / Gower area, before finally deciding on a Italian restaurant about 100 metres away from my room, by the time we were ordering dessert it was about 10.30, Andrew called to see what was happening as I should have called him at about 10, and to say that he was tired and so would be sleeping soon, I promised to call soon, but just as we were finishing I got a text from Andrew saying he was sleeping now, I tried to call him but he had already turned off his phone which upset me quite allot because with all the drama and crap after the day I really wanted to just talk to him, I had a go a mum about this as it was her fault we hadn’t eaten earlier because she was being picky about where we ate. I went back to my room, where I met the others who had also moved in that day and we stayed up together talking and drinking a little, one of the boys, Anthony had a cold which I now have (grrr), I eventually went to sleep at about 1am.
I was woken a t 8 by the fire alarm, here there is an alarm and a detector in every room - so the noise was quite painful. As soon as it was asserted that the alarm was false due to another of the boys, peter, cooking bacon and it smoking very slightly - the sensors are extremely sensitive. I then called Andrew and we talked for about an hour - I told him all about the day and the room, he was quite surprised that I had such a small room - even smaller than his!after that I decided to walk down to the Tescos as it opens at about 10 on Sundays, while I was there I called parents and had them meet me there to pay for my new supplies. we then all went into Swansea town centre and found that, unlike oxford nearly everything actually closes on Sundays - we did manage to find a shoe zone where we all spent a while trying on various shoes - I got 3 new pairs of shoes (new trainers, boots and some slip on trainer type things) all for £28 - which I was quite impressed about! We also found a discount shop where I bought a large box to put things under the bed in and we headed back to my room where we packed the food (all non perishables) into the box and found space for it under the bed. I then reported the fact my bed was broken a bit and that we would bring me a new chair on the next week, and I then had breakfast.We finished attempting to pack things away and then went to lunch (it was almost 3 at this time). Mum liked the look of a Mexican place so we went there, while we were having pudding (yes, pudding with lunch - we were hungry) I applied for a job there - but they haven’t gotten back to me yet (will chase it up on Friday). We then went home.
The next Friday (23rd) after trying to delay Andrews departure (sadly failed) I repeated the steps of packing all my stuff and realising I had nearly the same amount as I did the first trip, we packed my mirror, the bedside cabinet (that is now an in-wardrobe cabinet) and mums office chair. On Saturday morning I got up early (8 - its early for me, ok?) and finished the last of my packing, I then went for an all out clean of my room, I now had a semi empty room WITH A FLOOR!!!!!! (Wow) - was kinda funny - I then had a quick breakfast and we loaded the car, this time it was all of us going so I went in the back, with half the seats down - I had just enough space! :) Mum and Dad bickered all the way so I ignored them and slept for most of it. The journey was ok; but as we came off the M4 we hit a huge traffic jam that delayed us for about half an hour, during which the ntl guy called and asked where I was as they were installing all the modems. We arrived and I found the guy, we then unpacked the car, and as parents were getting under my feet I sent them away while I unpacked and the ntl guy installed my modem and phone line. after I had unpacked most of my stuff dad came in and put up my mirror, then we went shopping for all the perishable foods we hadn’t got the week before, mum unpacked the shopping and I finished unpacking the rest of my gear, I hadn’t perfected my room, but it looked good, and as soon as I put posters up it felt allot better and I relaxed a little. It was about 4 then (I can’t remember what we did for lunch) so we said our last goodbyes which was quite emotional, dad cried which is the first time I think I've ever really seen him cry. I went back to my room and carried on unpacking/ packing things away, then met some of the people I had met the last weekend. we went to the student bar in taxis (its in Townhill campus; on the other side of Swansea) and hung out then, I got to know a few people, including Abby, a girl whose room is directly below mine, and yet twice as big, and Rhodri who both live on the bottom floor, we chatted for quite a while and eventually (somehow) got back to Mount Pleasant campus, and from there went back home. I found out the guy directly above me is called Jay (I think) and is a bit of a tosser, he played loud music all night, and as his speakers are on his floor the music might as well be in my room! luckily he hasn’t played the music like that since, so its ok :) On Sunday I slept in, and when I got up I decided I wanted to do a sign for my room, so I did :

I then started to finish the final stages of tidying my room and finding places for everything; I discovered that the new bed they put in was slightly lower than the old and so I had to rearrange things so I would be able to get them out. when I was finally happy with how my room was I emerged from my room, at about 1 pm, I want hungry so I didn’t bother having breakfast till about 2. I went to Tescos to buy some ready meals as I was unsure I could be bothered to cook properly. people were going out again to drink but feeling ill from the cold I stayed in and cooked my food, I found people in the downstairs kitchen and we gently migrated up to my (the middle) kitchen where we sat and chatted, I met a few more people so it was good. Now, Pictures:
my room, still just as small, but alot nicer now!
my window, with my pirate flag :D Yarrrr!

My kitchen (im opposite it), being populated by Gareth (front), Patricia (cleaning) and Anthony (back, the evil cold giver - except that he's lovely :) )

My clever little storage solutions - I'm kinda proud of them ^^



Jonny - room 18, just down the hall - hes funny ^^

Steve, (with Jonny behind him) my next door neighbour - he has sky - my saviour! :P
well, i think thats about it for one Uber update. Will update about the last few days after dinner ^^
promised with an s not a c :P :P :P
so cramped there is no room for any words!
Ok - now there are words. (When this was first published it was just a title!)
Sounds like your room isn't going to be the best thing about your uni life... make friends with people with big rooms and then spend all your time with them :-)
Gwinny Gwen Gwen....
Get used to living in a cupboard...
Your "Cool" Uncle Alan..x
yes gwen i have a much bigger room (3 times) than you and will gloat for ever. muahahahahahhaahahhahahaha (evil laugh).
PS. you make nice quiche and chocolate pudding.
Your crazy neighbour at room 25 Patsy the Awkward
aww poor sweetie.
as abi says, try and grab some "communal" eg, find some one else that you can do your work in when it gets big. Thats what friends are for right?
cant wait to see you again
OK being a former member of the chambers you may see me from time to time hanging around the place.
As you will probably notice "cupboard boy" (as he is known to those in the know - aka Iain Tong/anime boy/ming the merciless - you know who i mean im sure) has developed a habit, or at least did when he was the original cupboard boy, of hanging out in steve's room, where he is still often to be found on cold winter nights. Steve's room is therefore the "communal space" that you are clearly looking for, and i have it on good authority that you are more than welcome there any time you wish (if he is terse or locks his door trying to be anti-social or to just get some peace as he is known to do on occaision then simply break the fucking thing down. Or bang vigorously enough to force him to open the damn door)
in closing, room 21 is a bag of poo, but you may take solace in the knowledge that if by some awful set of circumstances you remain there into your 2nd year of university you may well be upgraded to 21a (the current abode of cupboard boy) hopefully at the time he would have vacated and it may have been fumigated.
hope this helps.
An ex-chamberite
By the way, thanks for the postcard Gwen-Gwen! The Marina looks very similar to the one at Plymouth...
Make sure to make the occasional update, let us know how things are getting on!
gwen-gwen now... lol
well updates dont seem to be forthcoming, nevertheless we live in hope.
Indeed we do. :-)