Sunday, June 26, 2005

soon soon

sorry no update for a while - will update soon with lotsa pictures once i find the cable for my camrea again :P

Monday, June 06, 2005

Race For Life

So, as I am sure most of you readers will already know(or guessed from the title) on saturday i took part in the Tesco Race For Life in aid of Cancer Research UK, i walked 5km, and if everyone pays will have raised over £100! I decided to do the race in full Goth Gear to try to raise a little more money, and for the fun.

Most of you dont know my reasons for taking part. there are 3 main reasons:

  • Two of my Aunts have both had (and thankfully) survived Breast Cancer
  • In 2003 (when I was 16) I had a lump removed from my left breast removed. luckily it was benine, but with two close blood reletives having had the disease the threat is still quite real
  • Also in 2003 Dan, afriend from sailing, who infact taught me how to race-sail died from cancer, a few days after i had the lump removed. The website dedicated to him and life-long dream of having the Challenger (a disabled sailing boat) accepted as an international standard racing Sailing Dingy has disappeared :'(
    Basically Dan was a graet person, always smiling no matter how much pain he was in. he had tried Chemotherepy but it made him so ill he couldnt sail, so he gave it up. i was on work experience at the sailing club when he won the world sailability (disabled sailing) championships...
    The cancer tumour was between his heart and spine so it was impossible for doctors to operate. he was admitted to hospital on the day i had the operation (17th Feb) and, celebrated his 21st birthday a month early, and finally passed away apparently peacefully on 23rd Febuary. i still miss him

Dan, who never stopped sailing....

Back to the race;

was woken at about 10 and had shower, finnished shower at which point andrew turned up, spent a *small* time turning my room upside-down trying to find my clothes, (put them on) then caught the bus into town where we went to Hero's for lunch (breakfast for me) before carring on to University Parks where the race was taking plave, then stood around waiting for things to happen [Note to self; Areobics is not easy in New Rock boots]

The Pretty Makeup ^^

See. Pretty

Before the "Race"

Starting off well....

and i kept on going...

And going...

And going....

till i (finally) stopped

the race itself went quite well, after about 1 km the boots started to rub, but i chose to ignore the more-annyoying-than-anything-else pain.

i was just coming around the last corner to the last approx 20 metre streach when i heard people counting down to the hour mark from the start hearing i only had about a minuite left i chose to run the last streach - no mean feat in big heavy boots and with the amount of other people around at that time. i saw andrew running behind me and also ran past Mum, who looked supprised if nothing else...

andrew had to run to try to catch up/ get infront of me as i ran the last streach

the finnish line, just after i moved out of shot :-P ;-)

My poor poor heals...

as i has suspected ( from about the halfway mark) my heels were blistered - especially my right heel.

unfortunatly both pete and abi were busy; abi having her first exams on monday (goodluck hun! :D) and pete still having a *small* workload, although we did try calling pete - unfortunatly his battery had died, but it was probably for the best; we carried in to work where we had (large) milkshakes :D - i think i earned it :P ^^

will post a picture of my "medal" once i get a picture of it...

Sunday, June 05, 2005


ok, so i know i promiced to do an update about my race for life - but this first....
my pet!

my pet!

my pet!

my pet!

my pet!

my pet!

my pet!

my pet!

my pet!