Friday, January 13, 2006


andrew is no longer the only one who has reason to dislike their 'flatmates'.

2.30 am : i finnish working (i had been talking to andrew online), clear up bed
3am : steve (night guard) finnishes work, goes home. Lyndsy, Genna, Ava and othe drunk fools turn up. i attemp to get to sleep.
3.30am: Scream - from outside, followed by giggles. more general noise from the drunk ones. Ava loudly declares she is going to bed (good i think - maybe the'll all shut the fuck up)
4am: THUMP - from upstairs - fairly worrying - followed by many more loud bangs (last time there was thumps like that from upstairs was when some random drunks broke in and trashed the place(last term)) - i am now sufficiantly worried. throw on dressing gown and enter corridor to see paul retreating upstairs. i retire - decide to read until they shut the fuck up

4.30 : choros of giggles and elongated stampede of Genna/ Lyndsy.
5 am: its gone quiet. maybe they have collapsed (relish thought)
5.10 am: Fire alarm (i needent say more - abi, andrew and pete - you all know how awful the alarm is)
5.30 : i finnish the book. start composing phone call to mike (the bossman)
5.50 - alam is finally stopped
6 am onwards: thump more giggles - i try to sleep

8am : alamclock goes off - i turn it off and go back to sleep

9.30 : my class starts
11ish : my class finnishes
12.26 : i wake up to - guess: giggles - bollocks. go back to sleep
4.50 : wake up again - decide if i had planned to do anything its too late now. go back to sleep

6.50 : wake again . decide to get up and shower (i needed it)
7.20 am now writing this to LOUD slipknot
am now gonna Call Mike (after turning down slipknot)

suffice to say i am not a happy bunny - nor a bunny or other small furry animal of any description, or for that matter happy.


revenge WILL be had.

6 Bitchings:

Blogger Abi Bitched:....

That sounds like a horrible night! I am so sorry for you.
The fire alarm is, I agree, an evil, evil thing (and for 40mins - owch!), that combined with all the drunken noise must have been dire.

8:06 PM  
Blogger Nessa Bitched:....

College sucked for that kind of thing. I found the only defense for all of that noise was to join in and do some partying and make noise too. But I may have spent too much time joining in, so don't go by me.

11:41 PM  
Blogger crazy/evil/chocoholic/crazy-girl Bitched:....

to update:
as it turns out it wasnt infact just genna and co. up and making noise that night; Jackson (a guy on top floor) had a friend roundwho is the one who broke the alarm. the very same friend that started the fight (that resulted in steves black eye and cuts), bashed in 4 of the fire alarms (setting them off), and ripped the alarm-siren (cos thats what it is) off teh wall of our kitchen at our last party.
as a result Jackson has been thrown out of the chambers and charged £350 for the damages!

yays - ndirect revenge - just as goood :D

1:55 AM  
Blogger Nessa Bitched:....

Karma is a wonderful thing.

10:14 AM  
Blogger crazy/evil/chocoholic/crazy-girl Bitched:....

update on the update:

last night mike got in about midnight, went into his room and turned on his music - not loudly - i couldnt even hear it when i was standing next to his door!
i went in to say hi (and i was bored - my usual amusers (steve/jonnie/rhodri) were asleep), foung gareth in there too so sat down and chatted with them.

about 2 minutes later Genna storms in and demands the music is turned down! - put it this way - i could hear mike wispering on the otherside of the room - it was NOT loud! - she got really stroppy - and hence the text-bitching between her and gareth commenced - all quite amusing
next time shes like that i'll slap her :P

and uess what - shes gone ot tonight - or she will do once shes finnished her 2 hours of getting ready - ie looking exactly the same as before - but generally with less cloth coverage *shudder*

this is gonna be fun ^^ *evil grin* now where did that rolling-pin go....?

10:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous Bitched:....

Get a life you sad, pathetic freak! You dont hear anyone complaining about your 10 hour cooking marathons that stinks out the whole building! You need to get out more--- LOSER!!!!!

8:38 PM  

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